Lies or Truth? A Comprehensive Review on Glucomannan

Imagine filling up your stomach with tons of soluble fiber that swell as they absorb excess fats and water. Such fiber remains in your stomach for a certain period of time, leaving just a small space for food particles. As a result, you feel less hungry and you shed some pounds. Sounds great? That’s what glucomannan actually does.

Glucomannan has received wide recognition from many health experts. This natural supplement is derived from the roots of the konjac plant which is native in Asia. Dr Oz, one of the renowned celebrity doctors is a great fan of this supplement. According to him, the glucomannan is the best one for dieters.


What do experts say about it?

According to Dr Christine Gerbstadt of the American Diabetic Association, glucomannan works well in suppressing hunger pangs. The reason behind this is its large fiber content. This natural supplement contains soluble fiber that speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. In one clinical study, it was found that regular intake of glucomannan (2-4grams a day) resulted in significant fat reduction. But Dr Gerbstadt considers it as no miracle weight solution. It’s just like the many tools available today that support fat burning. She also added that the supplement is not for everyone. Dieters who indulge in binge eating probably due to depression or some health disorders are less likely to shed pounds using it.

Other benefits of glucomannan include lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Scientific research provided strong evidence that this supplementation can significantly reduce the LDLs and stimulate the production of HDLs or the good cholesterols. The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Glucomannan may also help in the management of diabetes by controlling sugar levels, one study found. The drug does it by delaying the food digestion. 

Drug Limitations

One of the downsides of glucomannan is its impact on sugar levels. People with diabetes are not encouraged from taking the supplement without prior advice from their doctors. Taking the drug in the wrong way may also result to adverse side effects. For instance, if the capsule ruptures as it passes through the esophagus, the contents may cause blockage because it absorbs water. Esophageal damage usually needs urgent medical attention which involves surgery. Because of this, doctors recommend taking the pill form instead of the capsule.

Little is known about the safety of this supplementation so it isn’t yet very clear whether the benefits outweigh the risks. There are reports that glucomannan intake may result to digestive problems, flatulence and abdominal pain. There is no concrete evidence that shows whether these effects are for long or short term. Furthermore, it doesn’t have any effect on the blood pressure.


People who are looking to take glucomannan should take it based on their drug tolerance. Frequent vowel movement is an after-effect of taking high dosage of the supplement. Doctors suggest taking just half the recommended daily dosage as provided on the product label. The supplement is widely available in authorized local drugstores and online shops.

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