The question of what one wants to be when they are older starts getting asked from the age of a young toddler, and continues until the first career is chosen. But, often the question doesn’t stop there. Some adults, and even retired persons, are asking that question as they consider changing career options, meaning they are open to career change advice.
Deciding to change and/or enter a career is not to be taken lightly. It is a commitment that involves lots of time and effort. It is thus important to make wise choices in this area. A few tips will help avoid making mistakes and help you find the perfect choice for you. These are:
Think it through
Make a list of options.
Give yourself time to decide
Explore options while waiting
Determine what you are passionate about.
Think It Through
Whether you are entering the job force for the first time, or are changing to something new, you should give it lots of thought. Think about things you have done that you really enjoyed, either at an earlier job or as a hobby. Even if it is not transferable to an actual career, think about what things in a job market will use those things.
Think as well about what is involved in getting started on something. What education is needed? Consider the salary and the length of time to become established in that career. Decide if you are willing to do what it takes and to take the time it involves. Will you be happy with the salary and the growth opportunities? Also consider the competitiveness component. Some love the challenge; others just want to do their job. Which type person are you? Find the career that will allow you to express that.
Make A List Of Options
Make a career “bucket list,” so to speak. Just as people make a bucket list of everything they want to do before they die, consider what career you would like and put it on your list. Even if you think it is impossible, add it anyway. If you have always wanted to be a brain surgeon, but you are retirement age, you won’t be able to do that. But, adding it to your list helps you see what your interests are. Maybe you can find a job that involves some of the same interests.
Give Yourself Time To Decide
After you have made your list, give yourself time to think about everything on it. Add to it if you want. Think about all the things that you have listed, and decide why you put it on your list. Mark beside the selection if you added it because of interests, salary, service, or any other motivating factor. Look over it several times and decide what aspects of career ismost import to you; andwhich motivator appears most often on your list.
Explore Options While Waiting
While you are looking over the list, waiting for retirement or to finish school, look at what is involved in each option. Check education, job opportunities, and salaries for each option. This will help you eliminate some. If you find one that just won’t work, cross it off the list.
Determine What You Are Passionate About
After considering all your career change options and getting career change advice where applicable, decide the one or two things you are most passionate about. Choose from one of those in your new direction in life.
Author Bio:
Nelson Smith has studied and written a lot about changing career options and seeking career change advice for all ages. He especially addresses the issue with those who have retired or are anticipating retirement from a lifelong career and may want to do something else. The demand for these services has increased exponentially as life expectancies increase and people are no longer content to retire and be idle.